Friday, July 31, 2009

R/C Helicoter?

I just ordered an Eflight Blade cp R/C Helicopter and am fairly new to the R/C Flying things world. I was doing some research on the model I got and found some nice looking upgrades for it. The one that caught my eye is a kit that replaces the plastic parts with cnc alluminum. One part in particular is that it converts the heli from dual engine to belt drive system with pitch control for the tail rotor. Is his system much better than the dual set up and is it worth the extra effort for an electric micro-heli? And what pointers can you give me for learning to fly it? Thanks all!

R/C Helicoter?
it is i nice little Helli but get use to it first before you start spending money on hop ups this site is only Helli's and it is for everyone from beginners to the pros

fly safe

Reply:Go to for a specialized forum on everything RC. Enjoy your heli

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