Thursday, July 30, 2009

The letter for today children, is C. What religious word, phrase or story...?

can you come up with that begins with the letter C?

I shall start: Communion Cookie (Whoo! That there would've been a 20-pointer if I hadn't said it myself!)

The letter for today children, is C. What religious word, phrase or story...?
Crucified christ concept currently complete crap
Reply:Cet and Cuar-- two Celtic Gods.
Reply:CRT... Just lay your hand on the screen!
Reply:Chewy chunky chocolate chip Cookie, the superlatives are endless.
Reply:Cat Crap Catechism
Reply:Cats For Christ!
Reply:I can never get these trick questions. *sweat drops*
Reply:can o' fanaticism

Santa is returning soon, are you prepared?!
Reply:Catholic crucifix

cranky Christian

catechism craze
Reply:cernunos cut cheese
Reply:Copacetic cross.

Thrice Baked- I apologize if the Adam and Steve thing offended you on my other answer. I realize that some people do not agree with my views on gay marriage, although I believe that you and I both have a right to express our opinions. However, I do think that it was unfair of you to accuse me of being a bigot. I have nothing against homosexuals. Next time, please think before you libel people.

EDIT- Yes. I feel a similarly, except I believe that no matter what people believe, we should treat each other with respect, and all the atheists can quit making fun of other people's beliefs.
Reply:Compassionate Christianity

(which means to treat one another with kindness even when the other person does not)

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